A New Republic of the Heart - with Terry Patten


Episode 060

It’s Game Time on Planet Earth.
Our evolutionary crisis is forging a new kind of 21st-century hero—one who looks just like you.

Who will you be in this time of great transition?
Join my conversation with Terry Patten today, author of the book called: A New Republic of the Heart.
Terry's work hinges on an understanding of how radical wholeness expresses itself in active compassion that restores wholeness wherever it is disturbed.

It breaks new ground in the way it spells out how wholeness has agency, and resurges, like an immune response, in the face of our accelerando of complexification, fragmentation and stress. 

It spells out in detail how we can make every moment a practice of wholeness. In fact, it reunites transcendental spirituality with the spirituality of the soul, the spirituality of human relationships, and with sacred activism. It shows people, in detail, how to be united in heart, mind, soul, body, and relationships—and how that expresses itself in a new, expanded definition of activism.

Julian Guderley