Ep. 206 World Education Foundation with Marques Anderson

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Marques is a visionary who asks “why not?” Why not Make a Difference in the world, why not Change the world and why Stop until WE have?

Marques is a former American Football safety in the National Football League.  He holds a Masters of Education in Adult Learning and Global Change from Linköping Universitet, Sweden. Having the opportunity to travel extensively throughout North and South America, as well as Europe and Africa, Marques began to develop strategies to address some of the most critical social problems we currently face as a global community. Following his dream to do more, Marques created the World Education Foundation 2009.



The WE Foundation bridges the gap between academic and expert knowledge and their implementation in local communities around the world. WE are creating the classrooms, learners and livelihoods of tomorrow to help societies sow the ideas and grow the solutions to their most pressing issues. Using toolkits like the WE:SOLVE Labs, our associates craft workable solutions and build global collaborations, ultimately generating new market opportunities. By collecting large amounts of anonymized data from each project, WE are also building a larger picture which helps us make better connections and more tailored programs for each new community we interact with. Essentially, WE help share the best proven practices across all kinds of borders and boundaries to promote and secure peace through education.


WE are working to help global communities reshape themselves through the use of technology and education. In the field, WE focus on opening up opportunities for research and learning, which in turn cultivates understanding and leads to better informed solutions. We strongly believe that through the wide spread application of knowledge, collaboration and empathy, humanity as a whole is capable of moving to the next level of perception and action, thereby achieving peace in this generation. This is of course a mighty task and the work involved will be monumental, but WE propose that with todays level of interconnectedness and the feedback loop between humans and technology, it is well within our collective reach.

Julian Guderley