Ep. 209 Planetary Peace Work with Amandine Roche

Amandine Roche is an award winning author, photographer, explorer, public speaker, social entrepreneur.

Amandine Roche is also a United Nations Human Right and Women's empowerment expert with 20 years of experience in conflict contexts across Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. Her professional experience is focused on human rights, democratization, education, media, and gender/youth empowerment.

She spent a decade in Kabul and is the founder of the Amanuddin Foundation in Afghanistan to promote yoga/meditation among prisoners, women, soldiers, Taleban and kids.

Amandine studied meditation with planetary luminaries like the Dalai Lama, Amma, Karmapa, Goenka and Deepak Chopra.

She created the inner peace keeping program to offer the tools of inner-peace to humanitarian and refugees suffering of depression, anxiety and PTSD in Middle East.

Julian Guderley