Ep. 348 Kosha Joubert: Healing Collective Trauma and Restoring Our Connectedness

Kosha Jourbet, designer of eco-villages, learned how little she needed and how generous people are as she regularly walked the African coast in an impoverished community with no money. It was a firsthand experience with nature. She slept on the beach on a thin blanket and had very few clothes. Her priorities were finding water and food. She swam across big rivers. Ultimately, she broke down the barriers between nature and herself. “I was afraid of nature. How many of us are afraid of nature? We're afraid of spiders. We're afraid of scorpions. But we're also just afraid of space, or the ocean or the sky, or sleeping alone in the dark or walking in the dark or crossing a river. Breaking down those fears inside myself was amazing. I got to know the night sky, I got to know the beauty of flowers of the ripples of the ocean, waking up in the early dawn, watching the sunrise, walking down the beach and finding the most beautiful shell as if it was a gift of the ocean.” Kosha’s journey took her into her African homeland reinstated a trust in herself. Later in life she met an indigenous leader of the Maori in New Zealand, who spoke these words: In my tradition, we do not need to earn a living, because simply by being born on the planet into a body, we have our earth right to be alive. How many of us still have yet to learn this?

Join Kosha in a conversation with Green Planet Blue Planet Host Julian Guderley exploring the simple necessities of life and the ease of building eco-villages to meet the needs of humans and nature. About Kosha Jourbet Kosha Joubert now works as CEO of the Pocket Project, dedicated to exploring and healing collective trauma, after serving as CEO of the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) for many years. She is an international facilitator, trainer, and consultant and has worked extensively in the fields of sustainable development, intercultural collaboration and the emergence of collective wisdom. Kosha is a co-founder of Gaia Education, which develops trainings at the cutting-edge of sustainability, and co-author of the internationally applied curriculum of the Ecovillage Design Education. She is also the author on a book on collective wisdom, and editor of books on social tools for building community and ecovillage solutions. Kosha grew up in South Africa under Apartheid and has been dedicated to the healing of divides and collective trauma ever since. In 2016, she received the Dadi Janki Award - 100 Women of Spirit - For engaging spirituality in life and work and for making a difference in the world. In 2019, she hosted the Power of Community Online Summit (10.000 participants) and co-hosted the Collective Trauma Online Summit (53.000 participants). In February 2020, she hosted the Communities for Future Online Summit, dedicated to exploring our response to the climate emergency ( 21.000 participants). For more:





Key Takeaway: "There is a double whammy of energy that can be freed up here... It becomes a balanced walk where we don't get stuck processing the past, but allow life to guide us." #regenerative #ecovillage #traumahealing

Julian Guderley