Ep. 340 Sovereign Nature Initiative with Alessandro Mazzi

The Sovereign Nature Initiative strives to reconfigure the intersection between ecology, economy, and emerging technologies in order to open the possibility for radical approaches toward sustainability.
Alessandro's current mandate at SNI is to facilitate relationship-building between nature stewards, technologists, and the wider collective who are committed to building sustainable futures in partnership with the larger community of Life.

The Manifesto of the Sovereign Nature Initiative: Our relationship with nature is threatening the ecosystem of our entire planet in an existential way. We believe that we need to change our perception of nature on a fundamental level. We need to develop new ways of understanding cohabitation that undermine the historic hierarchy of human domination and control. To get there, we want nature to become self-governing - able to act in its own interest, free from human exploitation.

Learn More: https://sovereignnature.com/about

Julian Guderley